Air Mattress for Pregnancy to Achieve Prenatal Relief
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Nov 06, 2017

Pregnancy Sleep Position & Support
By the time you’re 20 weeks, the left side is the ideal side to sleep on. The thought behind this being that it routes optimal blood flow to the fetus, uterus and kidneys.
- Auto zero gravity setting
- Soothing massage and timer
- An anti-snore button to raise your partner’s head while they sleep
Adjustable Air Bed Configurations for Pregnancy Stages
When you have a full range of head and foot positions to select from you can select a configuration that best fits your needs at any given point in your pregnancy. Elevated Head Position During the first trimester, the fetus can be positioned high, putting pressure on your ribs and lungs. By elevating the head, you take pressure off your ribs and allow gravity to work in your favor. This is also great for women suffering from heart burn during their pregnancy (or any other time), as level positions allow acid to flow upwards triggering the burning sensation. Elevated Legs & Feet Position As your pregnancy progresses, hip strain often sets in. To alleviate hip pain, elevate your legs to better align your spine and take pressure off your lower back. For side sleepers, you can also place a pillow between your knees to align your legs and hips. Both Head & Foot Elevation For pregnant women prescribed activity restriction or experience leg, ankle, or foot swelling, sitting in a fully inclined position with head and feet inclined provides relief from fluid retention. Adjustable air beds in this position provide exceptional lumbar support and elevated legs encourage fluid to flow away from your feet to reduce swelling.Pregnancy Tips to Help Sleep Through the Night
1.Don’t eat or drink water 2 hours before bed- Eating too close to bedtime will basically invite heartburn to make an appearance. Also, your bladder will get pushed on often enough from your little, so don’t exacerbate bathroom breaks by drinking late at night. Make up for your water cut-off during the daytime. 2. Nap when you can- If you find you’re waking up a lot at night, make up for the lost time in naps. It’s not easy to take naps if you’re not used to it, so consider it practice for when the baby arrives and napping is the only way you get sleep. 3. Cool down the room- It’s no fun being hot all the time. Get a box fan or turn your air conditioning on at night to keep your body temperature cool for a sleep-inducing state. This holds true for your postpartum experience. All that fluid you accumulated while pregnant sweats out of you afterwards. Staying cool will keep you from bursting out of bed from a hot flash.