Air Mattresses and Back Pain
admin .
Oct 13, 2017
Back pain is prevalent; more than 80% of Americans will experience an episode of lower back pain at some time in their lives. When it comes to managing your back pain and achieving sleep, the key is to achieve proper sleep posture.
While some back conditions require specific positions, the general rule to follow is to (1) sleep on a mattress ranging from firm to medium firmness and (2) minimize any curvature in your spine.
Successfully implementing these 2 rules is difficult on the average mattress because most mattresses are not built to provide proper support.
Why Foam & Spring Mattresses Don’t Help Back Pain
When a mattress is too firm for your body, it will repel against you. There isn’t enough give in places where your weight is heavier, resulting with your body uncomfortably pushed upwards in those places. When a mattress is too soft, the heaviest parts of your body will sag and again, discomfort ensues. When you buy a mattress that has a single “setting”: extra firm, firm, medium, soft, you’re only addressing the heaviest part of your body. But the reality is, in order to minimize your spine’s curvature (crucial rule #2), your bed must respond to each body segment’s weight and support needs. Do you find yourself tossing and turning in bed throughout the night? Do you wake up with a stiff back, are you having to stretch in the morning to loosen yourself up? If you answered, “yes”, then your mattress is not only not helping you get the sleep you desperately need for bodily recovery, it’s also causing or furthering your back pain.How Using an Air Mattress Relieves Back Pain
Your body’s weight is classified in 3 segments:- Head- accounting for both your neck and shoulders
- Lumbar- the heaviest part of your body, back and hips
- Foot- thighs, knees, and feet