Don't Be Overwhelmed By Air Bed "Features"

The choice of air beds can be a bit overwhelming...from the simple two chamber design to air beds offering multiple, sophisticated features. But how do you know what features are worth paying for, and which features are just marketing hype.Simple. If the feature does nothing to improve or increase your enjoyment of your new air bed, then it is hype. For example - The leading air bed manufacturer uses a stiff rail of foam placed head to foot in the center of their two chamber air beds. Called an "I-Beam", and described as an added feature, many manufacturers suggest this "feature" is actually a design flaw. Without the I-Beam, a user will sink into the middle of the bed. However, the addition of the I-Beam has caused many consumers to complain about the "hump" in the middle of the air bed. The "hump" effect usually occurs when the air bed is at a lower (softer) setting and the air chamber(s) sink lower than the center I-Beam. We believe that the best air bed is one that offers a logical mattress design, made with quality components that are known to last. So, rather then getting overwhelmed by the hype and with things like a "Sleep Number®", or thinking that a presentation from a celebrity on TV makes one air bed better than another, consider that the most expensive air bed out there is not necessarily the best, by any means!